Habitat Song Lyrics


Are you looking for Habitat Song Lyrics then you are at right place. Here we provide you full song lyrics of this song.

Habitat by Pinegrove

It’s so still
How’d you do that?
You settled down my habitat
Through the speed trap
And the agitated aftermath

When across the state is gone and dilapidated

The wheel froze
And it sounded like cymbals
The birds exploded off the eve
I read my name
And I scream like a kettle
Metabolize the memory

When across the state is gone and dilapidated
And it feels a little bit empty
A riddle of empathy

In the morning I’ll go
Through the cold
But not alone

“Did I forget?”
My teacher says
The precipice
The precedent
The depressing question
Of our time
Of CivilWarLand in Bad Decline
I want to see
The present tense
In retrospect
A monument
Been through benthic tides
And vandalized
Before my eyes
Before I die
“Never forget”
The t-shirt says
With no mask on

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