Grayscale Song Lyrics


Are you looking for Grayscale Song Lyrics then you are at right place. Here we provide you full song lyrics of this song.

Grayscale by Lamb Of God

There’s a war going on inside my head
Shadows sewn of golden thread
I sip the sweetest tastes until their bitter ends
I feel the greatest love inside the worst revenge
Cold rain falls on my face and the light in my hand
I’m turning inside out, I don’t know who I am
And do I want it to stop?

Grayscale eyes slide from black to white
Lived through dark days, stillness in a crashing wave
Died in bright nights, fall into an angry sky
Grayscale eyes slide from black to white
In a grayscale tide

There’s a war going on inside of me
Questions echo endlessly
I paid a thief to steal away my one escape
I bought a broken mirror just to try and see my face
Cold winds blow from the hills, there’s eyes on my back
In sinking shifting sands, I don’t know where I am

Grayscale eyes slide from black to white
Lived through dark days, stillness in a crashing wave
Died in bright nights, fall into an angry sky
Grayscale eyes slide from black to white
In a grayscale tide

I thought I’d know better now, the world is upside down
I thought I’d know better now, the weight is crashing down

Grayscale eyes slide from black to white
Lived through dark days, stillness in a crashing wave
Died in bright nights, fall into an angry sky
Grayscale eyes slide from black to white
In a grayscale tide

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