Go Away Little Girl Song Lyrics


Are you looking for Go Away Little Girl Song Lyrics then you are at right place. Here we provide you full song lyrics of this song.

Go Away Little Girl by Ray Conniff

Won’t you go away (little girl)
Wish you wouldn’t stay (little girl)
Won’t you go away (little girl)
Wooo ooo go away.

Go away little girl
Go away little girl
I’m not supposed to be alone with you
Oh yes I know that your lips are sweet
But our lips must never meet
I belong to somebody else and I must be true.

Please go away little girl
Go away little girl
It’s hurting me more each minute that you delay
When you are near me like this
You’re much too hard to resist
So go away little girl before I beg you to stay.

Won’t you go away (little girl)
Wish you wouldn’t stay (little girl)
Won’t you go away (little girl)
Wooo ooo go away.

Go away little girl
Go away little girl
It’s hurting me more each minute that you delay
When you are near me like this
You’re much too hard to resist
So go away little girl
Call it a day little girl
Please go away little girl before I beg you to stay.

Won’t you go away (little girl)
Wish you wouldn’t stay (little girl)
Won’t you go away (little girl)
Please go away.

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