Are you looking for FORTUNE COOKIE Song Lyrics then you are at right place. Here we provide you full song lyrics of this song.
When the chips are down
Don’t you go ahead and doubt yourself ’cause
I haven’t seen you around much lately
So don’t do nothing stupid
When the penny drops, hmm
That you’re sat on a fortune cookie
Saying pull up your socks
‘Cause nothing out there can hurt you
And you say you wanna see somebody about it
Say you wanna be somebody else elsewhere
If you believe you’re in need of repair
Take care, take care
If you believe you’re in need of repair
Take care, take care
When the curtains close
And the photos are all that we have left
It’s time to strike a pose
Looking back, we will p**s ourselves
And you say you wanna see somebody about it
Say you wanna be somebody else elsewhere
If you believe you’re in need of repair (Ooh, ah)
Take care, take care
Just take care, take care (Ah)
Just take care, take care (Ah)
Just take care, take care, take care (Ah)
Take care, take care (Ah)
Take care, take care
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