Forget the Alamo Song Lyrics


Are you looking for Forget the Alamo Song Lyrics then you are at right place. Here we provide you full song lyrics of this song.

Forget the Alamo by Kimberly Kelly

[Verse 1] There’s a thousand miles of interstate
From here to Highway 1
And I hope you’re doing good in your new life
I’m sure I’ll see your smiling face
On my TV someday
But if the [?], she’ll cross your mind

[Chorus] Forget the Alamo
Remember me
The love you used to know
That promise you can’t keep
No regrets
Just one request
From a Texas memory
Forget the Alamo
Remember me
[Verse 2] A dream is like a jealous woman
Asking you to choosе
One of us had to lose
Guess I’m thе one
I knew that if you stayed round here
You’d only feel tied down
But when you think about
Where you come from

[Chorus] Forget the Alamo
Remember me
The love you used to know
That promise you can’t keep
No regrets
Just one request
From a Texas memory
Forget the Alamo
Remember me

[Chorus] No regrets
Just one request
From a Texas memory
Forget the Alamo
Remember me
Forget the Alamo
Remember me

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