Are you looking for Forest Song Lyrics then you are at right place. Here we provide you full song lyrics of this song.
Forest by Queensryche
Leaves blow away
There they go
There they go
Please won’t you stay
Don’t you know
I couldn’t miss you anymore
I can feel you all around
One more sign tonight
Make a sound or dim the lights
(Ah ah ah) Help me find a way
Yesterday’s a memory, but it’s all I have today
Seasons they change
Nice and slow
Don’t you know
Tides rolling in
Ebb and flow
Can swallow you then let you go
I can feel you all around
One more sign tonight
Is this real or in my mind
(Ah ah ah) Help me find a way
(Ah ah ah) Through this maze of misery
(Ah ah ah) Lost without a trace
Yesterday’s a memory and tomorrow’s too far away
Feed the senses, take what cleanses your soul
(Ah ah ah) Help me find a way
(Ah ah ah) Through this maze of misery
(Ah ah ah) Lost without a trace
Come see me in my dreams
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