Fare Thee Well Song Lyrics


Are you looking for Fare Thee Well Song Lyrics then you are at right place. Here we provide you full song lyrics of this song.

Fare Thee Well by Alan Parsons Project

In a dream within a dream
We saw beyond the sky
And drew a constellation
In the shape of Gemini
We turned our sails into the wind
And climbed up to the heights
Raised a glass and made a toast
And wrote our name in lights

Forever and ever
Children of the moon
In the lap of the gods

Fare thee well

Echoes and effigies
Whispering your name
Drifting farther from your voice
Silenced with so much left to say
And the space that you left behind
Cannot be disguised
Raise a glass and make a toast
To one in paradise

Forever and ever
Silence be damned
Your songs will live on

Fare thee well

Time and tide will carry me
From the last goodbye
I can hear don’t answer me
With the sky in your eye
When the raven tapped upon your door
He was singing your own tune

Son of wolf
And father of words
The curtains closed too soon

Fare thee well

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