Are you looking for Fairy Song Song Lyrics then you are at right place. Here we provide you full song lyrics of this song.
Fairy Song by ​beabadoobee
Need to drink water
Remember to pray
Eat so you’re stronger
And live for the day
Speak to your brother
Check he’s okay
Need to get out more
Don’t smoke all day
I know you’re sad ’cause someone died
But I’m not gonna sit inside and do nothing
Guess when I’m older
I’ll be able to see
That when it gets colder
I care less about me
I should sleep like I promised
And brush my hair
Always be honest
And that would be fair
I know it’s hard to comprehend
There’s so much things we have to mend
I know you’re sad ’cause someone died
But I’m not gonna sit inside and do nothing
Guess that’s what you meant
We can still be friends
I’m not with you but
Make it till the end
Guess that’s what you meant
We can still be friends
I’m not with you but
Make it till the end
Guess that’s what you meant
We can still be friends
I’m not with you but
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