Eyes Roll Back Song Lyrics


Are you looking for Eyes Roll Back Song Lyrics then you are at right place. Here we provide you full song lyrics of this song.

Eyes Roll Back by Fit For A King

I see it again and again, I open my eyes, but keep my mouth shut
In silence I will dig my own grave
Born into chaos, bred to seek pain at every turn
Wake up, wake up, and feel my insides burn

My eyes roll back, exposing intricacies of my consciousness
There’s no explanation to the creation of this mess
Blood soaking every step, eyes roll forward and all I see is death
Blood soaking every step, eyes roll forward and all I see is death

Night terror, you’ve got a hold of me
Pinned down to the ground, by the devils gaze I’m losing sanity
Night terror, your teeth are sinking deep
Wave after wave, the panic will feast

I feel it again and again, leading me to the other shore
Eternal darkness calling out for me demanding more
Born into chaos, bred to seek pain at every turn
Oh God, oh God, I’m scared that I’ll never learn

Look below, there’s nothing to fear
Hell is empty, the devil is here

The horrors of the other side await the day to be called to life
With every labored breath, I bring myself closer to death
The horrors of the other side await the day to be called to life
I can’t dig my way out

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Night terror, you’ve got a hold of me
Pinned down to the ground, by the devils gaze I’m losing sanity
Night terror, your teeth are sinking deep
Wave after wave, the panic will feast

Night terror
Night terror, your teeth are sinking deep
Wave after wave, the panic will feast
The panic will feast
The panic will feast

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