Everything But You Song Lyrics


Are you looking for Everything But You Song Lyrics then you are at right place. Here we provide you full song lyrics of this song.

Everything But You by Drowning Pool

I smile but it rarely reaches my eyes
I don’t know what you’re wanting me to say
I laugh but it fades to give away my lie
I know what you wanted me to say

“Yes I’m sorry”
“Please don’t worry”
Of all the things you feel nothing is real

I let go and my mind grows dumb
You can’t know what that means for me
I tried but we can’t outrun
The daylight for the setting sun

I hate everyone
I hate everything
I hate everyone and everything but you

My life and my blood
Sand tracing lines
I wish for nothing more than to stay

Wait, wait for me
What’s the hurry
All the words we steal are just time to kill

I let go and my mind grows dumb
You can’t know what that means for me
I tried but we can’t outrun
The daylight for the setting sun

I let go and my mind grows dumb
You can’t know what that means for me
I tried but we can’t outrun
The daylight for the setting sun

Let go, let your mind grow numb
You know what that means to me
I tried but we can’t outrun
The daylight for the setting sun

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I hate everyone
I hate everything
I hate everyone (and everything but you)

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