Are you looking for Equidistant Song Lyrics then you are at right place. Here we provide you full song lyrics of this song.
Equidistant by Katie Dey
Starving’s easy for a week
To try and please your company
Blur the edges every night narcotically
Stake a daylight robbery
On maybe one good hour sleep
Don’t believe them they’d do anything for me
Broken floors punched down walls
Slammed doors stare intently
In the distance i can see
You and me
Half asleep
Dreaming of lonely
Have a fistfight with your mate
Have a fistfight with your brain
Second guess your body
Every single day
Like there’s no one at all
Who’s ever felt your pain
You can’t figure who to blame
You or me
Laugh and weep
You’re falling asleep
To the sound of heartbeats
In your ears they’re ringing
Beautiful harmonies
Flat minor sevenths and
Words from the heavens
You’ve never heard coming
Straight from the throat
Of your truest of loves
And the goddess above
In the ceiling swirling
Black holes of alcohol
Swollen and broken glass
Cutting your eyes til they close
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