Are you looking for Doomscroller Song Lyrics then you are at right place. Here we provide you full song lyrics of this song.
Doomscroller by Metric
Lining up all the numbers under the names
Lining up all the numbers under the names
Notify the next of kin of the circumstances
Was it an act of god or an accident
An act of god or an accident
Or a consequence of a lower profile
Salt of the earth underpaid to serve you
Salt of the earth underpaid to serve and teach your children
Salt of the earth underpaid to serve and scrub the toilet
Salt of the earth underpaid to serve and scrub the toilet
Ruling classes trickle p**s
From champagne glasses
That’s just how the evening passes
For a true doomscroller
And I’m a true doomscroller
I can’t seem to shut it down
Until the worst is over
And it’s never over
Arrogance of a coward hostile
Scum of the earth overpaid to rob you
Scum of the earth overpaid to rob
And mock resistance
Scum of the earth overpaid to rob
Anonymously from a distance
Scum of the earth overpaid to rob
Anonymously ruling classes trickle p**s
From champagne glasses
History on repeat relapses
For a true doomscroller
Dog whistle links to a torch song
Torch song links to a statue burning
Moon landing links to Q Anon
Rabbit in a deep hole keep on dancing
Don’t give up yet
Don’t give up yet
Don’t give up yet
Don’t give up now…
Lining up all the numbers under the names
Lining up all the numbers under the names
Boy, I’m a true doomscroller
I’m a true doomscroller
I can’t seem to shut it down
Until the worst is over
And it’s never over
Don’t give up yet
Don’t give up yet
Don’t give up yet
Don’t give up now…
Take something for the pain
Not something to conceal it
More like a magnification mirror full-size
Inner echo reflecting solace revived
Whatever you do
Either way we’re gonna love you
Never mattered
Either way we’re gonna love you
Whatever you do
Either way we’re gonna love you
Never mattered
How many or how much more
You’ve been through
Take this for the heartache
Not some cure to negate it
More like a magnification mirror full-size
Inner reverberation happens outside
Whatever you do
Either way we’re gonna love you
Never mattered
Either way we’re gonna love you
Whatever you do
Either way we’re gonna love you
Never mattered
How many or how much more
You’ve been through
Come back to yourself from the battle
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