Die On The West Coast Song Lyrics


Are you looking for Die On The West Coast Song Lyrics then you are at right place. Here we provide you full song lyrics of this song.

Die On The West Coast by Circa Survive

Stale, numb beating corpse of a symptom
Hide out in the hallway
You, my choice, when I didn’t choose to feel anything
Try and do it on my own

Oh, I feel dead
Never admit you pretend
Fentanyl Rush
Who kicked the door down
Not from the exit

Chasing the gunpowder, I fell right in
Under the shower the flower forgives us
Denying everything, seasonal drain
I never wanted to die on the west coast

Tame smoke
Tighten a grip on the cellphone
Hang up
Livid Star

Magnify the defects that strangle my heart
In between the solstice we fell apart
Lie, laying your head on my chest

Oh, if I fail
Cigarette ash on the bed
What does it cost
I couldn’t save her, empty the garden

Can you forgive me the way that I’ve been
Hell could be easy if time could release us
That which controls me will take you away
I never wanted to die on the west coast

Never to hold you again
Die on the west coast

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