Demoralizer Song Lyrics


Are you looking for Demoralizer Song Lyrics then you are at right place. Here we provide you full song lyrics of this song.

Demoralizer by Municipal Waste

Just when you think you’re back up, you’re pushed back down
Spend more time forced to the ground
You fight back for little reaction
Much to your opponent’s satisfaction
Passed the edge, down again
You won’t get close to your second wind
It’s your loss without a doubt
Demoralizer will take you out

Demoralizer, play after play
Holding you back, drives you insane
Accept your life, down on the floor
You rose the flag, now you lost the war

Demoralizer, play after play
Holding you back, drives you insane
Accept your life, down on the floor
You rose the flag, now you lost the war

Demoralizer, play after play
Holding you back, drives you insane
Accept your life, down on the floor
You rose the flag, now you lost the war


No chance you will come back, you’ll never rise
This one match will be your demise
End your life without a doubt
Demoralizer will take you out

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