Death From Above Song Lyrics


Are you looking for Death From Above Song Lyrics then you are at right place. Here we provide you full song lyrics of this song.

Death From Above by Goatwhore

Cloaked in the seas of dark skies
Obscured from the eye
Advancing to harvest these lives of merciless defeat

Soaring the Devil’s breath
Poised for this attack
Unforeseen disaster
Awaits this final strike

Deathlike silence awaits in the sky
Talons of the night coming to take their lives

The witches ride the veil of night
Wrath comes armed with destruction
Induce this sense of panic
Shepherding a shroud of ruin

Soaring the Devil’s breath
Poised for this attack
Unforeseen disaster
Awaits this final strike

Deathlike silence awaits in the sky
Talons of the night coming to take their lives
Savage machines of war descending to ruin
Unseen in the night’s stillness
This silent retribution


Distant thunder growing louder
Advance in countless ranks
Silent and swift
Carrying the mark of death
Legends of slaughter
Told by the ones
Fortunate to escape
No one can hide from the witch’s fate

f**k you

The reaper comes veiled in darkness
Dread’s ascent
As the munitions are unleashed
Time is up to run for cover
There’s no escape
Fearing the raids of a nachthexen blaze

Soaring the Devil’s breath
Poised for this attack
Unforeseen disaster
Awaits this final strike

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Deathlike silence awaits in the sky
Talons of the night coming to take their lives
Savage machines of war descending to ruin
Unseen in the night’s stillness
This silent retribution

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