Are you looking for Cyclone Song Lyrics then you are at right place. Here we provide you full song lyrics of this song.
Cyclone by Pinegrove
If it’s better, then why am I crying?
Why am I so struck with grief about this one way things could be?
Why am I so stuck together?
And fixate on the same cyclone now
But how’s that help?
How’s that settle anything?
And when will it end?
‘Cause it’s been in my head for a long time
And it feels wrong
Oh, and I don’t want it anymore
It spun in my head for a long time
If it’s better, I mean it’s improved
Not that it’s fine
Not that I’m mad
It’s more that I want to be precise
Well alright
When it visits unbidden in the night
And I know I’m gonna cry
Said I know you’re trying to help
But I don’t need you right now
Or ever again
‘Cause you’ve been in my head for a long time
And it feels wrong
Oh, and I don’t want it anymore
It spun in my head for a long time
Get out of my head
Get out of my mind
And it feels wrong
It feels wrong
And I don’t want it anymore
It spun in my head for a long time
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