Are you looking for Current Song Lyrics then you are at right place. Here we provide you full song lyrics of this song.
Current by Stokeswood
Well they take what they take
And they use what they use
Itâs picked clean from the bone
Itâs been easier now for I don’t know how long but,
Iâve been on my own
Well they break what they break
Off the soles of our shoes
And itâs often stitched seldom sown
Itâs been easier now for I don’t know how long but,
I have spent it alone
And It starts to feel like Home
Let the current take me slow
Distraught I lost your heart
Despite the shape Iâm in
I can’t fall behind the time;
You find me face down in the ditch again
I lost my train of thought from patience wearing thin
A never-ending battle between intelligence and irrelevance
And itâs all I know
You were counting your calendar days until itâs done
I say but, I never listen though
When they say,
âLook at you up to no good,
What would your poor Mama say?â
They take what they take
And they use what they use
Until itâs all hope picked clean from the bone
And thereâs so many left to disappoint
They take what they take
And they use what they use
Until itâs easier
And you went off on your own
Will you wait for me love?
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