Contra Mundum Song Lyrics


Are you looking for Contra Mundum Song Lyrics then you are at right place. Here we provide you full song lyrics of this song.

Contra Mundum by And You Will Know Us By The Trail Of Dead

Strange to see how times are changing
How being old is just the same as being young
Think it’s time to rearrange things
In an order we can finally understand
Truth is that I’m not the same me
That I was back then, when all of this began

One man against the world
Thrown up against the wall
Up against the ones who took it all

Consider all the odds we’re facing
Then decide if we’re prepared to take them on
Are you the one here who needs saving
Or are you the one refusing to give up?
Honesty is not the same thing
As confessing and embracing all your flaws

Us against the world
Thrown up against the wall
Up against the ones who did you wrong
Up against the ones who made you small
Us against the once who said you’d never hit your mark

The more I aim, the worse I miss it
More I act the saint, the worse that I do wrong
Thought of buying a one way ticket
On an airplane, and never coming home
At least then I could be a stranger
Somewhere far away, that no one else would know

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Us against the world
Thrown up against the wall
Up against the ones who did you wrong
Up against the ones who made you small
Us against the once who said you’d never hit your mark

Overhearing conversations
Makes it clear that they don’t know what’s going on
Tuning through these empty stations
Sound so desperate and devoid of any plan
But maybe someday if we’re patient
Then eventually the world will change for us

Us against the world
Thrown up against the wall
Up against the ones who did you wrong
Up against the ones who made you small
Us against the once who said you’d never hit your mark

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