Constant Tomorrowland Song Lyrics


Are you looking for Constant Tomorrowland Song Lyrics then you are at right place. Here we provide you full song lyrics of this song.

Constant Tomorrowland by Torres

Always an element of surprise
Fierce machinations of the mind
I know therefore I am
Living in a constant tomorrowland

Age of Aquarius
Bringer of consciousness
Bearer of justice
Harbinger of progress

It’s not that we’re there but we’ve nearly arrived
A future before us of highest design
Water of life will flow from me to you
Take my hand, let’s step into the light
I know therefore I am
Living in a constant tomorrowland

Age of Aquarius
Bringer of consciousness
Bearer of justice
Harbinger of progress
Centuries writhing in
Dullness of darkness
After all of this
Comes a mighty harvest

I’m ready, I see it, we’re gonna take flight
If you need to lean onto me it’s alright

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