Come Together Song Lyrics


Are you looking for Come Together Song Lyrics then you are at right place. Here we provide you full song lyrics of this song.

Come Together by Diana Ross

Listen to the voices
Let love lead the way
Come together
Come together

This song they’re singing
Of people being
Living their lives
In harmony

There’s a sound of billion hearts
A billion hearts

To Come together

Let’s come together
With one another
Come together
Come together

People Are wanting
Something to believe in
Light up the world
Let love lead the way

Raising their families
Doing their best to live a good life
Let love lead the way

There’s a sound of billion hearts
A billion hearts

To Come together

Let’s come together
With one another
Come together
Come together

Can you be ready
You are able
We all want the same thing
This is a gift

Believe and be that

As I walk my path
You are in front of me
We are one
Can you be ready

Let’s come together
With one another
Come together
Come together

Let love lead the way

Come together

We are one

Everybody come together
Everybody come together

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