COME OVER Song Lyrics


Are you looking for COME OVER Song Lyrics then you are at right place. Here we provide you full song lyrics of this song.

COME OVER by Emigrate

Please come over
Please come over
My shadow, lost friend
Please come over
Get me closer

I can’t erase it
The light years are on my skin
A traveling spaceman
Oh here I go again

Reflection and windows
They keep me in rotation
And stars are all strangers
Until the light comes in

Please come over
Please come over
My shadow, lost friend
Please come over
Get me closer

Please come over
The sun goes down
Tomorrow may not be around
And take me over
The sun goes down
Goes down

A standing ovation
What good is it in the end?
Now I’m shot off in stages
Smiling now and then

Please come over
Please come over
My shadow, best friend
Please come over
Get me closer

Please come over
The sun goes down
Tomorrow may not be around
And take me over
The sun goes down
Goes down

Please come over
The sun goes down
Tomorrow may not be around
And take me over
The sun goes down
Goes down

Dear controller
The sun’s gone out
Tomorrow it won’t be around
My supernova
The sun’s gone out
I’m out

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