Clouds Song Lyrics


Are you looking for Clouds Song Lyrics then you are at right place. Here we provide you full song lyrics of this song.

Clouds by Alexthomasdavis

Its hard to sing with a broken heart
Its hard to sing with a broken heart
Your ears will ring with a loud false start
Its hard to sing with a broken heart
And i know in time youll come back to me
As i fall through clouds and land on my feet
And i know in time youll come back to breathe
As i fall through clouds our hearts skip a beat
Its hard to sing with a broken heart
Its hard to sing with a broken heart
Your ears will ring with a loud false start
Its hard to sing with a broken heart
And i know in time youll come back to me
As we fall through clouds and land at our feet
And i know in time youll come back to breathe
As i fall through clouds our hearts skip a beat

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