Chris Mills Is Living The Dream Song Lyrics


Are you looking for Chris Mills Is Living The Dream Song Lyrics then you are at right place. Here we provide you full song lyrics of this song.

Chris Mills Is Living The Dream by Chris Mills

I dreamed I was Richard Pryor
Running on fire down the Sunset Strip
And as the flames burned brighter, my head grew lighter
And I watched the flesh fall from my fingertips
Ashes to ashes
Trust to dust
I don’t know what it means
To be burned by something that you love so much
I think I must be living the dream
I know that I am living the dream
I dreamed I was the pilot
Of a ship lost out at sea
And as my eyes filled up with blood
My ears rang with cries of mutiny
Ashes to ashes
Trust to dust
I don’t know what it means
To be blinded by something that you love so much
I think I must be living the dream
I think that I am living the dream
A flock of birds flew from my mouth
And as I fell to my knees
I could hear those hollow bones
All echo back to me
Ashes to ashes
Trust to dust
I don’t know what it means
When you try to hold on to something you can’t touch
I think I must be living the dream
I think that I am living the dream

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