Are you looking for Cherry Blossom Song Lyrics then you are at right place. Here we provide you full song lyrics of this song.
Cherry Blossom by Rubblebucket
[Verse 1]
You look exactly like a cherry blossom
Swaying in the wind with a sunbeam in it
I think I might just be that sunbeam
Shining through your leaves, feeling mostly completed
You look exactly like a cherry blossom
Life is full of paradoxes
What do you mean?
What do you mean?
What do you mean?
What do you mean?
What do you mean?
What do you mean?
Walk past the people with their mask on
I know what’s underneath
I know what’s under
I know what’s under
I know what’s underneath
I know what’s underneath
Open the door
Let me in, take me in, see your window
I think you might just be that window
I see a little plant in it
The bugs are having sex on it
The leaves a kind of shaking
You look exactly like a cherry blossom
Life is full of paradoxes
What do you mean?
What do you mean?
What do you mean?
What do you mean?
What do you mean?
What do you mean? [Chorus] Walk past the people with their mask on
I know what’s underneath
I know what’s under
I know what’s under
I know what’s underneath
I know what’s under
I know what’s under
I know what’s underneath
I know what’s under
I know what’s under
I know what’s underneath [Instrumental Break] [Outro] You look exactly like a cherry blossom
Swaying in the wind with a sunbeam in it (Sunbeam in it)
You look exactly like a cherry blossom
Swaying in the wind with a sunbeam in it (Sunbeam in it, sunbeam in it, sunbeam in it)
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