Are you looking for Caterpillars Song Lyrics then you are at right place. Here we provide you full song lyrics of this song.
Caterpillars by Kacy Hill
Hey, my love
Is it only us?
I can’t shake the feeling that I’m not enough
‘Cause after all,
I’m still only dreaming
Thought I’d grow into someone
That does it all
Never been to Tokyo
You know that I’d really love to go, but
Oh, living is hard
Babe, don’t you know?
Laying myself down, maybe I’ll get down
Say “You’re so strong” to me
Hey, my love
Do I think too much?
You know I can’t help but cry about what I wish I’d done
But it’s all excuses, I couldn’t say
If I would have it any other way (Any other way)
Never been to Tokyo
You know that I’d really love to go, but
Oh, living is hard
Babe, don’t you know?
Laying myself down, maybe I’ll get down
Say “You’re so strong” to me
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