Are you looking for Caravan Of Broken Ghosts Song Lyrics then you are at right place. Here we provide you full song lyrics of this song.
Caravan Of Broken Ghosts by Darkthrone
So I basked in a convoy of stunning souls
There is a bewitched mark on the ground
Barren, as if life has shedded
Satan’s hide is deep embedded
Nomadic caravan of broken ghosts
Enhancer of the void
Now you long for a line of wisdom
To tie you to the outposts
Then there were whole lives to rent
Hold them like glittering eons
Painting your world with bloody scalps
Elegance is what you’re made of
Nomadic caravan of broken ghosts
Enhancer of the void
Now you long for a line of wisdom
Men made their mark on this world
But surely not the size of lunar craters
No, a largeness that you can’t conceive
All for the better
Nomadic caravan of broken ghosts
Bones scare you blind
Dusty rags beg to be removed
But they tie you to the outposts
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