Are you looking for Can’t Keep Me From You Song Lyrics then you are at right place. Here we provide you full song lyrics of this song.
Can’t Keep Me From You by Indigenous
I’m just sitting here, in the dark of the night
And I want you to know, everything will be alright…
I don’t care about what people say
They can say anything, but they can’t keep me from you
Can’t keep me from you…
I sit and I listen, to your voice on the phone
Oh, its you that I’m missing, it’s hard to be alone…
I don’t care about what people say
They can say anything, but they can’t keep me from you
Can’t keep me from you…
And you know, there is no place in this world,
I’d rather be than to be by your side, be by your side…
I don’t care about what people say
They can say anything, but they can’t keep me from you
Can’t keep me from you…?
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