Are you looking for Calm And Happy Song Lyrics then you are at right place. Here we provide you full song lyrics of this song.
Calm And Happy by Elbow
Low bright February shadows
And I can hear a school
A woman humming to the radio (Wireless)
That never didn’t improve the tune
Margaret Saddleworth
DNA of those dark and bitter days
No, it never came my way
Titania in corduroy and Marigolds
Baby lamb, did you steal some matches?
Guilty in my fist
Baby lamb, did you like the feeling?
My little bones are shaking and
My heart beats holes in me
Maxwell Belarus
DNA of those dark and bitter days
No, it never came my way
Sue Johnston in corduroy and Marigolds
Had ‘old of us
Had ‘old of us
Margaret Saddleworth
DNA of those dark and bitter days
No, it never came my way
Sue Johnston in corduroy and rosaries
Had hold of me
Had hold of me
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