Are you looking for California Drifting Song Lyrics then you are at right place. Here we provide you full song lyrics of this song.
California Drifting by Ben Abraham
I pulled out on the highway
Didn’t matter the direction
I was heading for somewhere
I could stare at my reflection
And the ending was truthful
You could say it was fair
But I just wanted to drive a while
Let the angels get me lost somewhere
California, we were drifting
In the refuge of strangers
While the sky was ablaze
I went over those bridges
With the wind on my face
Street light conversations about stars and sunsets and salvation
My heart broke until there wasn’t any left to break
California, we were drifting
In the fire of the evening
We were moving and undoing
California, we were losing faith
Turn the lights down low
Turn the lights down low
Time for letting go
Turn the lights down low
Turn the lights down low
Turn the lights down low
Time for letting go
Turn the lights down low
Turn the lights down low
Turn the lights down low
Time for letting go
Turn the lights down low
Turn the lights down low
Turn the lights down low
Time for letting go
Turn the lights down low
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