Broken Song Lyrics


Are you looking for Broken Song Lyrics then you are at right place. Here we provide you full song lyrics of this song.

Broken by Liesel Brooks

Where do you turn when you’ve been broken
How do you go on, broken
What do you do, with shattered shards of clay
Oh how do you find your way
Through the ruins of your life
How do you survive… Broken
Who will understand when you’ve been broken
How can you explain it..broken
Why do you feel pain
When your heart is turned to stone
Oh how do you walk alone, through the ruin’s of your life
How do you survive
Oh, ho Lord, I’m falling at your feet
I see you broken, dying for me
Oh my Redeemer, how You suffered
I could never understand how your heart was broken
When the Father turned away
I could never understand the pain
Of hanging on a cross so Lamb of God
You sacrificed your whole life
Oh ho Lord,
I’m falling at your feet
I see you broken, dying for me
Oh, ho Lord, I’m falling at your feet
Oh my Redeemer, how You suffered
Oh, ho Lord, I’m falling at your feet
I see You dying
Broken for me
And I know
You understand
You understand

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