Bring Back The Sunshine Song Lyrics


Are you looking for Bring Back The Sunshine Song Lyrics then you are at right place. Here we provide you full song lyrics of this song.

Bring Back The Sunshine by Eddie Rabbitt

You never know when you fall in love
Just how long love will last
You keep on hopin’ that it all works out
For the best
This morning I woke up to find
My love was gone with no goodbye
I sat there wonderin’ where it all went wrong
And then I cried
Bring back the sunshine
I’m gettin’ tired of all this rain all the time down on me
Bring back the sunshine
Bring back the days when you were mine, all mine, really mine
A-once I found me this special girl
She made the clouds all disappear
But I took her love for granted
Here come the tears, here come the tears
Bring back the sunshine
I’m gettin’ tired of all this rain all the time down on me
Bring back the sunshine
Bring back the days when you were mine, all mine, really mine
Bring back the sunshine
I’m gettin’ tired of all this rain all the time down on me
Bring back the sunshine
Bring back the days when you were mine, all mine, really mine
Bring back the sunshine
Bring back the sunshine
Bring back the sunshine
I’m gettin’ tired of all this rain all the time down on me
Bring back the sunshine
Bring back the days when you were mine, all mine, really mine

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