Are you looking for Boy In A Bubble Song Lyrics then you are at right place. Here we provide you full song lyrics of this song.
Boy In A Bubble by Ben Abraham
“Welcome to the real world”, he said
As I felt the red pill melt what I built inside my head
We took the yellow brick road downtown
Found a rooftop, stopped to watch the walls fall down
(Wake up)
I’ve been living in a bubble
Have I been living at all?
Never meant to cause you any trouble
Oh, then I heard the sirens call
(Come on)
Now I just want to survive (Get up)
And I’m trying to stay alive (Come on)
And I’m never gonna go back, oh
‘Cause it costs too much to live like that
I don’t need that trouble
Or the boy in the bubble
She pulled my trousers off
Kept asking “why are you covered up?”
She taught me to be myself
Oh, and it hurt like hell
I’ve been living in a bubble
Have I been living at all?
Never meant to cause you any trouble
Still I hear the sirens call
(Come on)
Now I just want to survive (Get up)
And I’m trying to stay alive (Come on)
And I’m never gonna go back, oh no no
‘Cause it costs too much to live like that
I don’t need that trouble
Or the boy in the bubble
Now I only want to survive
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