Are you looking for Bones In The Body Song Lyrics then you are at right place. Here we provide you full song lyrics of this song.
Bones In The Body by Paul Austin Kelly
We’ve all got bones underneath our skin
Two hundred and six in our skeleton
It doesn’t matter whence we came
Cause the color of our bones will always be the same
Two hundred and six bones in the body
Two hundred and six underneath the skin
Two hundred and six bones in the body
Two hundred and six, we’re all kith and kin.
We’ve all got blood pumping through our hearts
It carries food and air to our various parts
Our skin’s all colors but when we’ve bled
We see the color of the blood is always gonna be red.
The heart’s a muscle inside us all
In some it’s large and in some it’s small
If love could be measured by our heart
Then a larger heart would be a better place to start.
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