Blueprint For Love Song Lyrics


Are you looking for Blueprint For Love Song Lyrics then you are at right place. Here we provide you full song lyrics of this song.

Blueprint For Love by Gabe

Tryna build something to last
So I’m gonna take my time
I’m like the guys that’s in your past
I got you busting trust in mine
Take my hand come be (with me)
Follow me and you’ll see
With me is where you belong
They’re tryna build you then break you down (break you down)
I’m tryna get this love off the ground (off the ground)
You ain’t touchin’ and look what you’ve found (what you’ve found)
Get me the key of your heart cuz girl I know where to start
There’s not another I come back and do it like I can
Don’t need to look for it, I got the master plan
Call it the blueprint blueprint (of love, love)
I got the the blueprint blueprint (of love, love)
(Verse 2)
You just had your heart broken
So thrust your arms wide(?) open
And I know that don’t make me bad
It’s in the ? to be sad
So I’ll take it slow
When you’re ready let me know
Cuz I’m not like the rest
They’re tryna build you then break you down (break you down)
I’m tryna get this love off the ground (off the ground)
You ain’t touchin’ and look what you’ve found (what you’ve found)
Get me the key of your heart cuz girl I know where to start
There’s not another I come back and do it like I can
Don’t need to look for it, I got the master plan
Call it the blueprint blueprint (of love, love)
I got the the blueprint blueprint (of love, love)

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