Beyond The Stars Song Lyrics


Are you looking for Beyond The Stars Song Lyrics then you are at right place. Here we provide you full song lyrics of this song.

Beyond The Stars by Debbie Reynolds

Far beyond the stars
My soul is longing to go
There beyond the stars
To a better place I know
Through the darkest night
I can see the heavenly glow
Far away, far away, beyond the stars
Far away, far away, beyond the stars.
Time ages of time, yet is my time so dear,
The bells hasten to chime warning the hour is near,
The road leads far away and soon the days disappear,
And I sing, Alleluia,
And to Him, Alleluia.
Far beyond the stars
My soul is longing to go
There beyond the stars
To a better place I know
Through the darkest night
I can see the heavenly glow
Far away, far away, beyond the stars
Far away, far away, beyond the stars.
Through the darkest night
I can see the heavenly glow
Far away, far away, beyond the stars
Far away, far away, beyond the stars.

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