Bermuda Song Lyrics


Are you looking for Bermuda Song Lyrics then you are at right place. Here we provide you full song lyrics of this song.

Bermuda by Roky Erickson

Are you going to Bermuda
Would you go there if you could now now
If you go there plan on staying
Apparently you’ll like it
That’s the way in Bermuda
Are you are you Bermuda bound
Pulled and called like by a siren sound
It’s so high and it’s underground
But you never come back
From all you ever found in Bermuda
It’s just the innocent Devil’s Triangle
It dares you to come there, that’s it’s angle
But the devil is innocent like mere
When the word you want
Is master master master in Bermuda
Bermuda Bermuda does it call and haunt you
Make you wonder, make you want to go
Make you curious, too much burn
But you will never ever will return from Bermuda
It’s just the innocent Devil’s Triangle
It dares you to come there, that’s it’s angle
But the devil is innocent like mirror
When the word you want
Is master master master in Bermuda
Are you going to Bermuda
Would you go there if you could now now
If you go there plan on staying
Apparently you’ll like it
That’s the way in Bermuda
That’s the way in Bermuda
That’s the way in Bermuda
That’s the way in Bermuda
That’s the way in Bermuda

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