Baz Gashteh Song Lyrics


Are you looking for Baz Gashteh Song Lyrics then you are at right place. Here we provide you full song lyrics of this song.

Baz Gashteh by Javad Ramezani

Sugar was my hope from the mouth of the trip was travel
It’s who is going to suddenly trip
Does not like the beloved
Nnshynd smile on her face
Cho was blown bud forever dawn of time
When I came back from the trip sweetheart was cared open
As a sequel after all Bdmt night magic
I was new as a travel journalist suddenly in May
I then took a flower to cut away the sadness obsolete
I welcome my journalist friend of me and Tiger Bgzsht change
Oh, it was quiet and a flower that I was speaking world
Gul, who was known for disloyalty to the sorrow of seeing Chvnyn separation was torn shirt
Sugar was my hope from the mouth of the trip was travel
It’s who is going to suddenly trip
Does not like the beloved
Nnshynd smile on her face
Cho was blown bud forever dawn of time
When I came back from the trip sweetheart was cared open
As a sequel after all Bdmt night magic
I was new as a travel journalist suddenly in May
I then took a flower to cut away the sadness obsolete
I welcome my journalist friend of me and Tiger Bgzsht change
Oh, it was quiet and a flower that I was speaking world
Gul, who was known for disloyalty to the sorrow of seeing Chvnyn separation was torn shirt
I cut a flower, a flower I cut, I cut a flower


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