Barreled Rage Song Lyrics


Are you looking for Barreled Rage Song Lyrics then you are at right place. Here we provide you full song lyrics of this song.

Barreled Rage by Municipal Waste

Let’s go

My morbid fascination
Has come to realization
Demented, fermented
My victim’s rotten fruit
Has reached full maturation

Let the transformation begin
Creating the pellicle skin
Through your skull I will bore
Welcome to the coffin foeder

Pulling nails and infernal hails
Hideous gravity, ABV achieved
Drunken gore
Artisan lore
Botanic blasphemy

Let the transformation begin
Creating the pellicle skin
Through your skull I will bore
Welcome to the coffin foeder

Harvest my victim’s brain and turn it into mashed grain

Barreled rage
Oaken grave
Barreled rage
Oaken grave

Raise my frothy mug of death
The flavor is the only thing of you that’s left
Perfections achieved through sacrifice
This evil brew is you tonight

Harvest my victim’s brain and turn it into mashed grain

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