Already Gone Song Lyrics


Are you looking for Already Gone Song Lyrics then you are at right place. Here we provide you full song lyrics of this song.

Already Gone by Boyz II Men

I cant begin to apologize
Fo’ all the crazy sh*t I said last night
Theres no happy endin’
I, I neva saw it from your side
I might be stubborn and I must be blind not to see you fo’ me
Oh, and it hurts like hell
I neva wanted to be by myself
I try to comeback runnin’
I try to comeback runnin’
Im tryin’ to comeback but its 2 late
Cuz I know that youd be
Already gone, youre already gone
Baby, come back, dont turn away, away from me
I want you back, but its 2 late
I know youd be
Already gone, youre already gone
Baby, come back, dont turn away, away from me
Try to comeback, but its 2 late
Youre already gone
(Verse 2)
Why? Why did I take so long to try?
I give it all the time I hands out time
Acted the beginnin’, oh
And it hurts like hell
I neva wanted to be by myself
I try to comeback runnin’
I try to comeback runnin’
Im tryin’ to comeback but its 2 late
Cuz I know that youd be
Already gone, youre already gone
Baby, come back, dont turn away, away from me
I want you back, but its 2 late
I know youd be
Already gone, youre already gone
Baby, come back, dont run away, away from me
Try to comeback, but its 2 late
Youre already gone
I wish I could be where you are
Id someday Ill be
Ill be right there back in your arms
Cuz I know that youd be
Already gone, youre already gone
Baby, come back, dont turn away, away from me
I want you back, but its 2 late
I know youd be
Already gone, youre already gone
Baby, come back, dont run away, away from me
Try to comeback, but its 2 late
Youre already gone


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