Almost Good Song Lyrics


Are you looking for Almost Good Song Lyrics then you are at right place. Here we provide you full song lyrics of this song.

Almost Good by Zella Day

I already know there’s nothing left to say
The odds are stacked against us so I get motion sickness
You’re a handsome sucker punch so hard it makes me sway
The center of my gravity floats in disarray

I never turned you away for all the time spent
I know that you’re almost good
I’ll always regret how long I stayed
We could have kept a love that was almost good
I’ll always regret
I’m not coming with you this time

Lying awake there on your own
With your mistakes you’ve been making too long
It’s driving you mad, the love that we had
You stare at your hands, how could you break it that bad?
It’s never too late to admit that you’re wrong
But the feeling escaped, the feeling is gone
It’s driving you mad, the love that we had
You stare at your hands, how could you break it that bad?

I never turned you away for all the time spent
I know that you’re almost good
I’ll always regret how long I stayed
We could have kept a love that was almost good
But now that I’m spent
I’m not coming with you this time

I already know there’s nothing left to say
The odds are stacked against us

READ MORE:  Interlude Song Lyrics

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