All I Can Think About Is You Song Lyrics


Are you looking for All I Can Think About Is You Song Lyrics then you are at right place. Here we provide you full song lyrics of this song.

All I Can Think About Is You by Coldplay

One, two, three
Fish fell out of water
Bird stuck on the ground
Chaos giving orders
Everything is upside down
The whole world on a flight path
I wonder where they’ll go, ah
Trouble’s on the outside, I know
But now, all I can think about is you
All I can think about is you
If all that I’m on earth to do
Is solo, then what a lone poor shoe
I want to walk in a two
It’s all I can
It’s all I can
It’s all I can
It’s all I can do
It’s all I can do
Everything is falling all around you
It’s all I can do
All I can think about is you
It’s all I can
All I can think about is you
Love is the only thing left that’s true

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