A Table For Two Song Lyrics


Are you looking for A Table For Two Song Lyrics then you are at right place. Here we provide you full song lyrics of this song.

A Table For Two by Rae Morris

I’ve booked us a table for two on top of a cloud
In a quiet corner of the sky
If you get there before me it’s under my name
Just pour out the drinks and wait a while
‘Cause there’s no such thing as closing time

So dry your eyes, and realise
That what we have will never die

I’ve booked us a table for two on top of a cloud
In a quiet corner of the sky
If I get there before you, I’ll order your main
I know what you like and you never change
And I won’t start ’til I see you again
So dry your eyes, and realize
That what we have will never die

So if you’re down on Earth
And I’m up in the skies
I’d hope that you might choke and die
So I could stare forever right into your eyes
(I’ll never get bored of the view)
Share another bottle of our favourite wine
(I’ll still get the cheap stuff for you)
Then we could sit together for the rest of (Time)

I’ve booked us a table for two on top of a cloud
But forget about that and think about now
I don’t know when we’ll get there, but they’ll hold it for us
In the quiet corner of the sky
So you and I can get on with our lives

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‘Cause there’s no such thing as closing time
There’s no such thing as closing time
There’s no such thing as closing time
There’s no such thing as closing time
There’s no such thing as closing time

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