A Night To Remember Song Lyrics


Are you looking for A Night To Remember Song Lyrics then you are at right place. Here we provide you full song lyrics of this song.

A Night To Remember by Betty Who

Looking at your face, looking at that place, looking at us there
Felt it in my chest, felt it in my breath, felt it everywhere
Flashing lights and sleepless nights, I swore I’d never give you up
Midnight faded, I was waitin’ for the time to give it up
A night to remember!
The rain was pourin’ down the bathroom window
A night to remember!
I let you touch me like a scene in slow mo’
And I had a hope-less teen-age heart-I-lost-back-then
A night to remember!
I always thought that I would see-your-face again
(Verse 2)
When the morning came I could hear my name comin’ from the bed
Liein’ on your side in the early light, I could see it in my head
Naked, coffee, hands still on me, I swore that I’d give you up
Searching for you, wantin’ more you, think it’s time I gave you up
A night to remember!
The rain was pourin’ down the bathroom window
A night to remember!
I let you touch me like a scene in slow mo’
And I had a hope-less teen-age heart-I-lost-back-then
A night to remember!
I always thought that I would see-your-face again
Flashin’ lights and sleepless nights
I swore I’d never give you up!
What a night to remember!
The rain was pourin’ down the bathroom window
A night to remember!
I let you touch me like a scene in slow mo’
And I had a hope-less teen-age heart-I-lost-back-then
A night to remember!
I always thought that I would see-your-face again

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