Are you looking for 69 Stones Song Lyrics then you are at right place. Here we provide you full song lyrics of this song.
69 Stones by Titus Andronicus
69 stones, 69 stones
I’ve been carrying 69 stones
All my life, I am bound to roam
And I’ll be carrying 69 stones
I’ll be carrying 69 stones
The will to live can be an awful curse
On an Earth that’s just a lot of dirt
Whenever it is that you’re getting hurt
That’s just the will to live doing its work
It puts the mold on food that’s old
It turns an insect straight into an infestation
It pushes the weed up from beneath concrete
But hey, what can you say, babe? We all gotta eat
It makes its blessed home
Wherever teeth rip flesh from bone
It’s the prize of the survivors
Behind the eyes of hungry tigers, yeah
It’s that will to live that won’t leave me alone
Feels like carrying 69 stones
Feels like carrying 69 stones
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