4 Seasons Song Lyrics


Are you looking for 4 Seasons Song Lyrics then you are at right place. Here we provide you full song lyrics of this song.

4 Seasons by OG Marco

Okay,Im biggie biggie baby
Im really livin crazy
Travellin travellin
b**ch she got to pay me
Tell me where your aim is
Australian motherf**ker
I said she took another dick
Bite it off a little
What did she say?
Found my dick all alone
You used just to ball
These 4 seasons
You better rise before we fall
Cause this dont matter no more
4 seasons
I bet shes spreading all the calls
Use something just to fall
Its 4 seasons
You better rise before we fall
Its 4 seasons, 4 seasons
Its 4 seasons
Is 4 seasons
Its 4 seasons
Its 4 seasons
Its 4 seasons
Its 4 seasons
Get it spread while Ill grab this
Tell someone that its superhot
Take your love to a hotel , motel
What you do all alone?
We can tell
If I could call
I get no bell
f**k it man
Im livin well

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